@extends('dashboard.layouts.default') @section('content') @if ($errors->any()) @foreach ($errors->all() as $error) {{ $error }} @endforeach @endif {{ csrf_field() }} @if(USER_ROLE == 'teacher')Retrieval Practice @else LSQ Maker @endif Formula Practice @if($quiz_id == 4 ) @foreach($curriculumAll as $row) {{$row['name']}} @endforeach @endif @if($quiz_id != 2 && $quiz_id != 3 ) @foreach($subjects as $key=>$subject) {{ $subject->name }} @endforeach @endif @if($quiz_id != 2 && $quiz_id != 3 ) @endif Select no of questions : 10 20 30 @if(SESSION::get('slug')=='quiz-questions') Select quizzes below and then select number of questions : @elseif(SESSION::get('slug')=='formula-practice') Please select the number of questions : @endif 5 10 Next Reset @if($quiz_id != 2 && $quiz_id != 3 ) No videos and quizzes found @else @php $btntxt = $quiz_id == 2?'Formula Practice':'Converting Units'; @endphp Start {{ $btntxt}} @endif @endsection @section('scripts') @endsection