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Privacy Policy


Coming Soon.......--}} {{--


Coming Soon....... {{-- We want KayScience to be an affordable learning tool that brings science alive and develops a--}} {{-- love of learning that could be missing from many students’ lives. For less than the price of one--}} {{-- tuition session, KayScience will give your child access to 800+ GCSE science videos, thousands--}} {{-- of GCSE exam-style questions, thousands of self-marking quiz questions, and so much--}} {{-- more.

--}} {{-- We are two brothers, both science teachers with 15 years of experience working in inner-London--}} {{-- schools, and a proven track-record of success for our students. We began making GCSE science--}} {{-- videos that could be used by our students for revision and homework. Fast forward a--}} {{-- year-and-a-half, KayScience now has over one million minutes of videos watched on YouTube,--}} {{-- whilst gaining the trust of thousands of teachers and students around the world.--}} {{--

--}} {{-- What makes KayScience so special is that our videos mirror real lessons. We explain the science--}} {{-- very clearly by breaking it down into manageable chunks. We use teaching techniques called--}} {{-- direct instruction and dual coding, which research has shown to be the most effective way for a--}} {{-- student to learn.

--}} {{-- We use formative assessment after each chunk in the form of ‘Question Time’, which tests the--}} {{-- students’ understanding of the science they have just watched. We believe practicing the--}} {{-- language is vital in creating students who can achieve the top grades, so we use gap fills to--}} {{-- get the students practicing the key words for their exams. At the end of every video, we have--}} {{-- exam-style questions that mirror what students could get in their actual exams.

--}} {{-- The students can then take our self-marking quizzes, which can be tracked by teachers to see how--}} {{-- well your students are doing. We believe KayScience is the only platform that will allow--}} {{-- students to catch up and fill the gaps in their knowledge, so they can be exam ready for 2022--}} {{-- and beyond.--}}
