@extends('frontend.layouts.default') @section('content')

KayScience For Schools

Help your students catch up with lost learning

Fill the gaps of your students knowledge and get them ready for the 2023 GCSE exams

Improve your department’s results

Teachers can use our 800+ videos with embedded tasks and formative assessment during lessons, distance learning and homework

Reduce your department's workload

No more marking and reduced planning with 8000+ self-marking quiz questions which tracks student progress

Every Teacher can teach with confidence

Use our 800+ videos for CPD to Improve the quality of teaching in your department

{{ csrf_field() }}

Request a Quote for a School Subscription


Complete this form to start your 3 week free trial for full access to our:

  • videos & resources
  • quizzes
  • student app
  • tracking software
  • Once completed, you'll be sent an email to access your account.
    @php $curriculum = App\Models\Curriculum::pluck('name','id'); @endphp
    {!! Form::select('curriculum', $curriculum , '', ['class' => 'form-control ', 'id' => 'curriculum', 'style' => 'width:100%', 'placeholder' => 'Curriculum']) !!}
    {!! NoCaptcha::renderJs() !!} {!! NoCaptcha::display() !!} @error('g-recaptcha-response')
    {{ $message }}
    @include('frontend.pages.signup_modal') @endsection @push('page-css') @endpush @push('inner-scripts')