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KayScience For Students: The Best Science Homework Platform
Live Online Science Tuition
- Live Biology, chemistry and physics lessons
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- Sessions repeated five times per evening
GCSE Science Videos & Quizzes
- 850+ GCSE science videos & exam questions
- Specialist videos to teach students
- Over 10,000 trackable quiz questions
GCSE Past Papers for GCSE Revision
- GCSE biology, chemistry & physics past papers
- KayScience exam question booklets
- Mark schemes included to provide feedback
Extended Response Exam Practice
- Practice answering 3-6 mark exam questions
- Exam questions directly linked to videos
- Instant exam-style feedback to get a grade 9
KayScience For Teachers: Reduce Teacher Workload
Set Videos & Quizzes For Homework
- Track minutes watched and quiz scores
- KS4 and KS3 videos and resources
- Automated quiz marking to save time
Question Level Analysis
- Identify misconceptions and weak topics
- See what the students got wrong
- Data to inform your teaching
Retrieval Practice / Do Now's
- Create 5 or 10 questions in seconds
- Reduce teacher workload and be happier
- Spend time doing more important things
PDF Worksheet Generator
- Create and edit worksheets in seconds
- Use our KS4 and KS3 question bank
- Print worksheets for lessons and homework
Over 5 million views & 75 million questions answered