@extends('emails.app') @section('content') Dear {{ $order->billing_first_name }}, Thank you for purchasing a {{ env('APP_NAME') }} subscription. This email is proof of your purchase. Please read our FAQ on how to get the best out of {{ env('APP_NAME') }}.
{{ $order->billing_first_name }} {{ $order->billing_last_name }}
Email: {{ $order->billing_email }}
Invoice No. {{ $order->invoice_no }}
Ordered Date: {{ $order->created_at }}
@if(count($order->details)>0) @foreach($order->details as $detail) @endforeach @endif @if($order->shipping_amount!=0) @endif @if($order->discount==0 && $order->discount_coupon!=NULL) @elseif($order->discount!=0) @endif @if($order->tax!=0) @endif
Subscription Amount
{!! $detail->title !!}
Expiry Date: {{ $order->expiry_date }}
{!! number_format($detail->amount,2) !!}
Shipping Amount : £ {{ number_format($order->shipping_amount,2) }}
Coupon Used : {{ $order->discount_coupon }}
Discount Amount : @if($order->discount_coupon!=NULL) [ Coupon Used : {{ $order->discount_coupon }}] @endif £ {{ number_format($order->discount,2) }}
VAT @ 20% £ {{ number_format($order->tax,2) }}
Total Amount Paid £ {{ number_format($order->paid_amount,2) }}
Kind Regards
Kayscience @endsection